Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â ni ar


Chwilio am ein cyrsiau?  Ein Rhaglenni Arweinyddiaeth

Friday Footnote # 136

Each week we share loads of content amongst Team ION and with our network. Content that inspires us, which we find helpful, or just makes us smile. We thought we would start sharing these insights every Friday. Welcome to Friday Footnote.

Dysgu mwy

Friday Footnote # 135

Each week we share loads of content amongst Team ION and with our network. Content that inspires us, which we find helpful, or just makes us smile. We thought we would start sharing these insights every Friday. Welcome to Friday Footnote.

Dysgu mwy

Cyfarwyddwr Prifysgol yn canmol rhaglen arweinyddiaeth fel ‘gem yn y goron’

Wrth i ni edrych ymlaen at y digwyddiad ‘Edrych yn Ôl, Edrych Ymlaen’ ddiwedd mis Mehefin, mae Ceri Jones, Cyfarwyddwr y Gwasanaethau Ymchwil, Ymgysylltu ac Arloesi (REIS) yn rhannu ei farn am y rhaglen a gefnogodd wrth ei throsglwyddo i Gymru o Ogledd Orllewin Lloegr. Rhaglen sydd wedi mynd ymlaen i gefnogi bron i 2,000 o arweinwyr ledled Cymru.

Dysgu mwy

Friday Footnote # 134

Each week we share loads of content amongst Team ION and with our network. Content that inspires us, which we find helpful, or just makes us smile. We thought we would start sharing these insights every Friday. Welcome to Friday Footnote.

Dysgu mwy

Friday Footnote # 133

Each week we share loads of content amongst Team ION and with our network. Content that inspires us, which we find helpful, or just makes us smile. We thought we would start sharing these insights every Friday. Welcome to Friday Footnote.

Dysgu mwy