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A different way of working - Suzanne Parry Jones

Ysgrifennwyd gan / 19/3/2020 / ION leadership news, / Blog posts

Over the coming weeks we will be sharing a number of blogs. First up, our Swansea based Programme Manager Suzanne Parry Jones shares some insights into how we will be working differently over the coming weeks. 

Much has been said about the importance of leadership in the current climate.

As business leaders we are used to having to navigate through changing times in order to maximise our market potential and keep our teams motivated and engaged. This week our traditional way of working has changed, turned on its head.

At ION we are mainly office based but our weeks are filled with face-to-face meetings, networking with our business communities, and delivering our experiential learning masterclasses through group activities and interaction. So how can we do that when we are social distancing?

We have to adapt to the changes, challenge existing ways of working, communicate with each other about how to embed new processes, ask each other how we feel, and embrace the idea of doing things differently.

Keeping in touch

IMG_9871.JPGWe will be having daily team meetings via Zoom, checking in on each other's wellbeing, exchanging ideas, sharing creative musings and the latest articles that have nourished our creativity (which we will share with our network), and of course doing our daily Radio 2 Popmaster quiz!

Everyone in the team is set up on Zoom so if anybody wants to chat to any one of us, just get in touch with them. Alternatively, get in touch with us on and we can arrange a chat.

We are also currently looking into how we can use Zoom going forward to continue engaging with our delegates, alumni and networks:

  • Would you be interested in free one to one zoom coaching sessions?
  • Would you want to take part in a group discussion about how to network whilst social distancing?

Let us know if you are interested in these or any other topics. We welcome your interaction - this might be a long stint!

Why, How, What

We will use this time out of the office to think, discuss and write about 'why' we do what we do, 'how' we deliver, and 'what' we deliver. All with the aim of bringing our delegates a more impactful and transformative ION Leadership programme.

So why not take time to rediscover the why, how, and what for your business and engage your team in the process. Use this time to revitalise the way you operate your business. Embrace the challenge of establishing new ways of working to make your business sustainable through these difficult times.

We will be back delivering our ION brand of leadership to the business communities of North and South Wales later in the year, thanks to our WEFO funding, empowering you to find the extraordinary leader within you. Check out our next programmes.

Stay safe and take care of each other

Suzanne (and everyone in Team ION)
