Thanks for the memories. Let’s make some more.
On our final working day of 2023, I just wanted to take the chance to say thank you. As you know, at the end of 2023 the current chapter of our wonderful ION leadership programme crosses over its final finish as our funding from WEFO/ESF comes to an end.
However, a new chapter has already begun, and we are delighted that ION Leadership will now be part of the Swansea University School of Management. There are so many hugely exciting conversations that have taken place over the last few months, and so many opportunities that have come our way. We will continue to support the progression of the leadership agenda for businesses in Wales and to capitalise on our legacy of supporting the incredible talent and potential in Welsh businesses. We look forward to sharing these opportunities with you as they arise in 2024.
At this time of change and progression we reflect on the fact that we could not have got where we are today with out our communities, our network, that includes so many inspiring and supportive people.
First, a huge thank you to everyone who has worked for LEAD Wales and ION leadership. Our delivery teams, marketing, research, operations, coaches, leadership team, steering group, colleagues in Swansea and Bangor. It has been a real team effort, and the team are what have made the programme so special. Thank you.
To everyone who has spoken at our events, or shared their inspirational stories at our masterclasses, or given their testimonials of how ION has enabled them to make real transformational change in themselves or their business. Thank you.
To all the partners we have worked over the years – from NatWest and FSB Cymru to Business Wales and Chwarae Teg. Thank you. There have been some fantastic examples of collaboration over the last 14 years, and we hope some of these partnerships continue.
To WEFO, Swansea University and Bangor University. Thank you for your unwavering support. We really could not have achieved any of it without you.
And finally, our alumni - nearly 2000 of you. Thank you for the time and dedication you have shown to our programmes. Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone as you took part in our activities. Thank you for being yourself and being honest during group discussions. Thank you for being extraordinary.