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Alumni Case Study: Abbey Glass

Written by / Monday 4th September 2023

In our latest alumni case study, we catch up with ION alumni Angela Worgan from Abbey Glass to discuss her ION experience. 

Angela graduated from our leadership programme in 2016, and at the time was the Commercial Director. Angela actually filmed a testimonial film for us a number of years ago, following her graduation. You can watch her originallly interview here

In the lead up to our recent Looking Back, Looking Forward event, our marketing lead Adam shared a few emails with Angela and it became evident straight away that there were plenty more chapters to her ION story. Not only had Angela put 4 further members of the Abbey Glass team through the programme, but Angela was now the owner and Managing Director of Abbey Glass - something she had aspired to on her final masterclass on the programme (as she reveals during our chat). 

You can watch the full conversation below, or on our YouTube channel

If you are interested in finding out more about how we can work with you and your business to develop the people within your team or organisation, get in touch with Adam Fairbank on   
