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Friday Footnote #95

Written by / Friday 10th June 2022 / ION leadership news, / Blog posts

Each week we share loads of content amongst Team ION and with our network. Content that inspires us, which we find helpful, or just makes us smile. We thought we would start sharing these insights every Friday. Welcome to Friday Footnote. 

The future of work?

The global Covid-19 pandemic changed everything, including how and where people work? Overnight, everyone in the ION team suddenly had to work from home (as did millions of others!). We have recerntly moved to a more hybrid approach, working both at home and in the office. 

There has been so much written about the future of work since the pandemic began. This week thousands of UK workers started a 4 -day week trial. About 70 companies are taking part in what is thought to be the world's biggest pilot scheme into the working pattern. You can find out more on the BBC website 

Below are just a few of the articles and talks we have read / watched recently discussing the subject:

Work is changing. Is your business ready to adapt? 


Adam and Suzanne from the team attended TEDxSwansea yesterday at the StadiumIn the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection.

The theme for the day was 'Tomorrow's World', with talks covering everything from 'Nurturing trust through the power of human connections', and 'Can love conquer hate?', to 'Are we in control of what we're buying?', and 'Overcoming adversity with sport'. 

Standout talks included Swansea University's very own Professor Tom Crick who was discussing the need for digital and data savvy citiziens, and, friend of ION, Dawn Lyle from 4theregion who was discussing shared vision meetings. We were even joined by an AI version of one speaker. 

2 students from UWC Atlantic College stole the show however with their talks on 'The Ripple Effect' and 'Tomorrow is in your hands'. The future is definitely bright for those 2 students. 

What's caught our eye this week?

Become an extraordinary leader with IONAlwaysLearning.png

For over 11 years we have supported leaders at all levels to become extraordinary leaders. Whether you are just starting your leadership journey, or want to freshen up your skills and learn how best to implement the latest thinking, strategies and best practice into your business, we have a programme which meets your needs. 

We currently run 2 tailored leadership programmes; ILM Level 3 New Leaders programme, and an ILM Level 5 Leading Growth programme. However, we are coming towards the end of our current funding cycle, so there are limited programmes scheduled to take place. We know that everyone says 'time is running out'. But in this instance, it really is.

You can find out more about upcoming programmes on our Course page. However, if our programmes don't 100% meet your requirements, get in touch with Adam on to arrange a chat to find out how we can work with you to develop extraordinary leaders in your organisation.    

Missed previous #FridayFootnotes?
