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Chwilio am ein cyrsiau?  Ein Rhaglenni Arweinyddiaeth

Alumni Case Study: Hannah Booth from Magnolia Centre for Health & Wellbeing

In our latest alumni case study, we catch up with ION alumni, Hannah Booth from Magnolia Centre for Health & Wellbeing, to talk about her recent ION experience.

Dysgu mwy

Friday Footnote # 139

Each week we share loads of content amongst Team ION and with our network. Content that inspires us, which we find helpful, or just makes us smile. We thought we would start sharing these insights every Friday. Welcome to Friday Footnote.

Dysgu mwy

Friday Footnote # 138

Each week we share loads of content amongst Team ION and with our network. Content that inspires us, which we find helpful, or just makes us smile. We thought we would start sharing these insights every Friday. Welcome to Friday Footnote.

Dysgu mwy

Looking Back at our celebration event

A few weeks we go we were joined by alumni, industry and education partners, and former team members, as we celebrated 14 years of developing extraordinary leaders.

Dysgu mwy

Friday Footnote # 137

Each week we share loads of content amongst Team ION and with our network. Content that inspires us, which we find helpful, or just makes us smile. We thought we would start sharing these insights every Friday. Welcome to Friday Footnote.

Dysgu mwy